• You have to heal the wound before it [starts to] ignore the medicine

    African Proverb

  • For there is hope for a tree if it is cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its shoots will not cease

    Job 14:7

  • Let water cleanse your soul

    “Creed of We”. The Seven Paths: Changing One’s Way of Walking in the World. The Anasazi Foundation

  • We think so often that we are helpless, but we are not. We always have the power of our minds. Claim and consciously use your Power

    Louise Hay

  • ...Look at its fruit when it yields and its ripening. Indeed in that are signs for a people who believe

    Surat Al-An’am

  • Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship


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Health, Featured, War and Conflict, Natural Living Charlee Martin Health, Featured, War and Conflict, Natural Living Charlee Martin

Gaza's Nightmare: The Unseen Health Consequences for Civilians Amid Conflict

As an alternative health coach, as well as a naturopathy, herbal medicine student, I watch the news and scream at those who minimise this conflict as just another thing that is happening amidst rising inflation and changing weather conditions. This is a serious affront to human potential, as there are multifaceted health impacts from the scarcity of essential resources. There are risks of injury, global disease, environmental degradation, and long-term mental illness due to the psychological trauma and generational scars left by violent conflict. Depraved violence is unnatural to humans, as our essence thrives and progresses when we live in a peaceful environment that respects the body, mind and spirit. That honours life and security. That values our continuation as a species, without induced health defect or disease.

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